Kousuke Kimura's Cartoon Gallery
Trouble World 2000

hard [a fisherman on ice with life belt]

Ice is hard.

Fishing on ice is more hard.

again [The sweeper is knocking down the trash can.]

He will have to work again soon.

first [He runs up on the desk by the window.]

He likes butterfly very much.

He just found the first butterfly of this year.

It is the first contact.

koinobori [Two koinobori are reflected in the water.]

The fisherman wants to catch the big fishes in the water.

*Koinobori is a carp-shaped wind sock in Japan.

injure [He looks aside on the bicycle.]

He is injured by butterflies very often.

juicy [splash!]

It is bad manners to wash your face after having a grapefruit.

like [a man and a mosquito coil]

Mosquito likes man.

Man doesn't like mosquito.

hole [He is going to buy a new pants.]

There is a big hole on the road.

There is a small hole on the pants.

long [very long straw]

It's too long to drink.

last [the last leaf]

It blew hard last night.

many [three butterflies behind him]

He bought many flowers.

The shopman threw in some butterflies.

Trouble World 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004