Kousuke Kimura's Cartoon Gallery
Trouble World 1999

beginner [a green and yellow leaf mark on the plane]

He gets on airplane for the first time.

He is a beginner passenger.

The pilot is a beginner, too.

*The green and yellow leaf is beginner driver's mark in Japan.

shot [a golf ball in a bird's mouth]

What a good shot!

The ball is flying still now!

cycling [A stone caved the tire in.]

The cyclist goes cycling with his cycle.

Now, it's not in a circle.

tilt [Tilted antenna is on the roof. He is watching TV in the house.]

The wind tilted the antenna.

The audience tilted his head.

southpaw [The pitcher throws his glove.]

The pitcher is southpaw.

small [A big fish tail appears behind the fisherman.]

He just caught a fish.

He thinks it's a small fish.

He is in a small boat.

where [a cap at the top of the standing bar]

When the crossing gate opened, he lost his cap.

Where is it?

fly [The collector follows a butterfly on the edge of a cliff.]

The butterfly has flown in the air.

He will fly in the air, soon.

fry [fried eggs on the ceiling]

He cooks fried eggs with his frying pan.

harvest [A cat has eaten the painter's fish.]

Autumn is the harvest season.

stair [squared tires]

You can't go down stairs with your bicycle.

Trouble World 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004